Gulp Paddleshad
Berkley Gulp Paddle Shad Lures
We have seen Gulp jerk shads, nemesis wriggler tails, worms, minnows and swimming mullets but never before have we ever seen a design quite like the all-new Berkley Gulp Paddle Shad lures. I guess the closest Gulp have ever come to a paddle shad is in the form of the original Gulp Pogy which is a far cry from the new design straight out of the development stables of Berkley Fishing.
Berkley Gulp Paddle Shad Lures design sports a tight high-frequency action, unlike any other gulp we have seen to date. Another huge standout is the colour combos. We have seen the Camo's, blue pepper neons, the pink shine of legend models reminiscent of the jerk shad but the fantastic new glitter models featured in the new Paddle shad range are sure to be a Gulp game changer. Ever since we first docked the Paddle shad lures on our shop shelves, they have sold over and over. We think that the early success of the Berkley Gulp Paddle Shad will raise the bar for new colours and designs to come within the next few seasons.
Features and Specifications
- Model: Berkley Gulp Paddle Shad Lures
- Design: Paddle Shad
- Biodegradable body
- Made using natural ingredients fish love to eat
- Gulp suggest their secret attractants can release up to 400 times the scent when paired against standard soft plastic lures.
- Zipper Seal Easy Open bag